Hello and happy holidays, kids.

As this wretched year winds down, we do what we can to stay afloat and make sure you’re all at least slightly more informed and absolutely more entertained. So we’ll just cut to the fun stuff right away.

We’re gonna get to the Dambé in a hurry, because good god, this was rich. The title notes this as being a “hilarious” bout, but I sure as hell wasn’t laughing. Neither was the guy that got put on ice skates after getting stunned.

Had my man doing the Okie Shuffle in full view of the audience, no love in these streets.

Nah, that can’t be good.

And just in time for year’s end, here’s another small compilation of some of their most exciting moments:

Seriously, go check out African Warriors. They’re delivering big on sensational moments like these.

Here’s a collection of Glory’s best uppercut knockouts. We don’t seem to see too many of these in MMA for some reason. Watching this seems to make that fact stand out even more.

Here’s an excellent vid from Muay Thai Scholar, who constantly picks at the details in the Art of Eight Limbs. I say that as a compliment, they really get into the minutae of the game and why it’s so effective and a beautiful sport to witness. Here we’ll look at specifically the front kick, or teep. Mostly, this focuses on situations in which it’s been used to optimal effect and to deter the boxing of an opponent. Great stuff, can’t recommend it enough.

Next we’ve got Kickboxing Tribute, a channel that focuses on striking as well – although not exclusively kickboxing and Muay Thai or boxing. There’s some MMA gems in there, primarily from orgs you don’t see much of or may not have heard of at all.

This time, they’ve completed their December recap of top knockouts. December isn’t even over yet, but I can’t knock the hustle. Is what it is, and you can’t really argue when the quality of this content is that good. I mean, seriously. Look at this collection right here. It’s straight fire.

We’ve got Chris Sumo back again, this time it’s a recap of the year that was for Sumo standout Ishizaki. The man’s been on a tear, and Chris gives us a glimpse of how and why it went the way it did.

Go check out his channel for more, he’s really good at breaking things down. His content is perhaps a bit ahead of what the uninitiated might be comfortable with, at least at first. But it’s all quality stuff from a guy that really loves the sport.

This one is a delight, but of the kind that makes you cringe. Here’s a highlight vid of nothing but body kick finishes in Muay Thai. The only catch is that they’re from 2019. But it’s mastery in action from some of the most devastating and surgical strikers alive.

Alright, enough of that. On to the goofy stuff. Daddy knows why you’re here, and you’ve mostly been good this year. So here’s your gift, I suppose.

I’ve seen some bad Santas, but have you ever seen them this riled up and agitated?

Billy Bob Thornton could never.

Some people say “Jesus is the reason for the season”, but it’s also the one name you mutter under your breath when you see stuff like this:

But on a lighter note, here’s the classic Santa fight prank from the Just For Laughs comedy crew:

Finally, here’s the Santa fight from the seminal Schwarzenegger Christmas film, Jingle All The Way.

Glad that movie still gets rotation each year so Sinbad can keep getting checks and never go back to dressing up as a prophylactic. Glad he’s doing better, too.

Here’s hoping that the New Year treats you all quite well. Well, at least better than Andrew Tate’s future predicament. And remember – you might think you can fight, but there are many guys like you all over the world.

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