Aspinall wants Blaydes

“Jon Jones and Stipe are tied up with each other, and they’re not going to budge on that,” Aspinall told OLBG. “Right now, it’s in the UFC’s hands, and I’ve never been picky about my opponents. I’ve only ever told them fights I want. I’ve never told them fights that I don’t want. Blaydes has said he wants to fight me, and I’ve said, ‘Okay, cool, let’s do it.’ That’s it.

“I’m just waiting at the minute,” he continued. “I’m just waiting for the call, I’m in the gym twice a day, and I’m en route to training as we speak, I’m ready to go whenever. I like Curtis Blaydes, but professionally, I want to beat him because he’s got a win over me when I got injured. I don’t know if the right word is ‘personal,’ but it is personal. But not in the way that I don’t like him as a person; it’s personal in a professional kind of way. I want to get that one back.”

Quotes via MMA Mania

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