Gooden’s view on Aspinall/Blaydes and Jones

“He is a very, very dangerous guy, a legitimate perennial contender who has been there or thereabouts for the longest time,” Gooden said. “He’s also crossed those leaderboards with his style, obviously with the wrestling-heavy grappling style. But the man will open you up if he lands an elbow, and he will change the fight.”

“If Tom Aspinall gets past Curtis Blaydes, and particularly in an impressive fashion, then I think that Jon Jones cannot do anything but acknowledge that victory and therefore surely must creep a little bit further into those two getting together, but of course, Tom’s got a big appointment ahead.”

Quotes via MMA News

Do you believe we will ever see Jon Jones vs Tom Aspinall? If so, who would you back to win the fight? Let us know your thoughts on this, BJPENN Nation!

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