Tom Grennan has shared new song ‘You Are Not Alone’.

Out now, it’s a piece dubbed “the most personal song I have ever written”, and the lyrics deal explicitly with mental health. ‘You Are Not Alone’ finds Tom Grennan opening up as he’s never done before, being completely honest about his own situation.

In a note to fans, he writes: “This isn’t just another single to me, it’s far more than that. This is the most personal song I have ever written. I want these lyrics to help other people as much as writing them has helped me. I’ve been open and raw in songs before, but when this song started pouring out of me, it was different.”

Continuing, he explains that ‘You Are Not Alone’ is “a song about kindness, and for anyone who has ever been made to feel alone.”

Looking back on his own experiences with mental health, Tom Grennan says “it’s been rough” before urging others to find help. He says: “It’s no secret, for a long time I’ve had to work on my own mental health and I continue to do so daily. It’s been a tough few years for everyone – through the pandemic, the cost-of-living crisis, and when I talk to my friends, everyone’s mental health seems to be suffering. It’s been rough!”

“I’m in a position I never thought I would be in, so I want to use my platform to give back, raise awareness, and start a movement of kindness. I’ve decided to kick off my own ‘giving back’ mission this winter, not giving of materialistic things, but connecting with people and giving something back. Support, kindness and love…”

Coming at a particularly poignant time of year, Tom Grennan asks fans to look out for one another. He writes: “Whilst Christmas can be a happy time for many, it can also be a time when people feel a deep sense of loneliness, and I hope this song talks to that feeling and gives you that warm hug you might need right now.”

“Now, more than ever, we need to look after each other and look after ourselves.” 

Tune in now.

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