Former Muse, Captain Beefheart and Queens of the Stone Age tour manager Tim Collins talks about his profession and how the organization of great musical events changes. Lecture is a part of Selector Pro intensive course organized by British Council Russia together with Vector online school.

Beginning as sound engineer, stage crew supplier and promoter’s rep, Tim stage managed Soft Cell, production managed UB40 and tour managed artists from Kajagoogoo to Captain Beefheart before moving into artist management in the late 1980s.

In eight years of managing punk icons Siouxsie and the Banshees, Tim was influential in regenerating the band’s career in America; achieving number one Billboard ‘Modern Rock’ tracks, major billing on the seminal Jane’s Addiction Lollapalooza tour and the placement of songs in movies such as ‘Batman Returns’.

Returning to live touring in 2000, Tim tour managed Fun Lovin’ Criminals, Queens of the Stone Age, Gorillaz, and Richard Ashcroft before joining Muse for six years as Head of Live Production.