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Many voters supporting the former president also rated him as more truthful than their own friends and family

The Cult Runs Deep: Nearly 3 in 4 Trump Voters Say Indictments Are a ‘Reason’ to Support Him

Donald Trump August 21, 2015, in Mobile, Alabama. (Photo by Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images)

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There seems to be no stopping the zombie fans of Donald Trump. Rather than seeing the former president’s multiple criminal indictments, including new charges filed in Georgia last week, as a reason not to support his 2024 run, nearly three in four Trump voters say showing support during his legal fights is a reason to support him.

According to a CBS News/YouGov poll released Sunday, Trump not only holds a commanding lead over the field of his Republican rivals, he now holds his largest lead yet since CBS/YouGov started polling on the 2024 race. Trump has the support of 62 percent of likely Republican primary voters, while his nearest opponent, Ron DeSantis, trails him with a measly 16 percent. That’s a 7 point drop in DeSantis support among those voters just since June.

Likely GOP primary voters also weighed in on Trump’s latest indictment, with 77 percent saying they believe the indictment is politically motivated. Trump and 18 others were charged in Georgia last week with felony crimes related to his attempts to overturn the state’s 2020 election results.


The poll also questioned likely Republican primary voters about the events of Jan. 6 and Trump’s attempts to overturn the election. Among MAGA supporters, 41 percent said that then-Vice President Mike Pence did “the wrong thing” that day by counting states’ votes (aka not letting Trump subvert democracy). Only twenty-one percent said Pence did “the right thing,” while 38 percent said they were not sure.

Despite Trump’s countless lies, 71 percent of Trump voters believe he is a source of “true” information, beating even their own friends and family, who ranked second with 63 percent.

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