
My name is Mike Brennan and 10 years ago I was a self-employed American living in Japan with no health insurance. Medical care is not good in Japan AND I knew it would be absolutely unaffordable to address my unmet medical needs back in the US.

I was told Thailand offered excellent medical care at prices I could afford easily and as a bonus cosmetic surgery that was a bargain. Luckily many hospitals & clinics were available on the Internet so it was easy to find the names and addresses. I remember thinking “I can do this”!

However upon arrival in Bangkok I found that things were not as advertised, at least not as I imagined based on their representations on line, and nobody to help me I could trust or even understand easily. Some were just unacceptable while others provided care to a different standard than I was accustomed. Language was a problem and Thai doctors are uncomfortable with hard questions from prospective patients.