Brady hits back at Machado Garry

Machado Garry: “We have the same management. I don’t think Sean Brady’s an interesting fight at all. I actually don’t rate him in any way shape or form. There’s far bigger amtchups in the division that are far more dangerous.”

Brady: “Doesn’t interest me at all a.k.a. I want to fight someone who I won’t get ragdolled by.”

Sean Brady is the kind of fighter who will take on just about anybody that is thrown his way. Machado Garry, meanwhile, isn’t afraid to ruffle some feathers on his way to the top.

Given where both men are at in the welterweight division, it certainly makes a lot of sense for the UFC to pair them up together.

Would you be interested in seeing Sean Brady and Ian Machado Garry square off in the future? If they do collide, who do you think would be the favorite and why? Let us know your thoughts, BJPENN Nation!

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