Build more muscle and get STRONG with 30+ Barbell Complexes at

Here’s a NASTY Barbell Complex Challenge for you to give a try.

10 Rounds of:

Barbell Power Squat Clean x 3

Push Press x 3

Front Squat x 3

Get 10 rounds done in as little amount of time possible.

You score is the amount of weight you throw on the bar and
your overall time.

Loading wise, do this with at least your bodyweight or as much
as you can handle.

If you can’t go that high, use as much weight as you can that
still allows you to do the movements with good form.

Like I say, Train 110% H.A.M. but Train SMART 😉

If you hit this, post up your RESULTS in the comments below.

For 30+ more barbell complexes, check out


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