The Severino dilemma

“It’s not the first person he’s bit I’d imagine,” Smith said.

“You’ve gotta be a certain type of person to resort to biting somebody,” Bisping said. “He wasn’t even getting his a** kicked, he wasn’t even getting choked out, you know, like if you’re getting choked out, you’re like, ‘You bastard,’ give him a little nibble, you know what I mean? You’re winning! You’re in the driver’s seat and you just go .”

Quotes via MMA News

Following the incident, Lima decided to get the bite mark tattooed on him. If that doesn’t tell you everything you need to know about MMA as a sport, we don’t know what will.

What was your immediate reaction to seeing what Igor Severino had done over the weekend? Who do you think was winning the fight at the time? Is this the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen in a mixed martial arts contest? Let us know your thoughts on this, BJPENN Nation!

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