Tyrese have vowed to fight the child support system for fathers everywhere after being ordered by a judge to pay around $650,000 to his ex-wife and her lawyers.

“It’s not about me,” he told TMZ. “What just happened today happens every day in the family law court system. Fathers have no rights. Period. So the bigger the ass whoopin’ that I get in court, the more it’s going to shed light on what has been happening since the beginning of time.”

Tyrese added he’ll “never not take care of my daughters, whether I’m with their mother or not,” and that “it’s not okay to call us deadbeat dads when we’re hustling, grinding, traveling, doing whatever it takes to put food on the table and take care of our families.”

Tyrese is claiming the judge was racist towards him, so he was ordered to pay such a high amount.

Tanya Mitchell – Tyrese’s attorney said that they plan to appeal the ruling and file a motion for a brand new trial. The actor does not have to pay Samantha anything until May 15, 2023, and she believes that it could be further pushed back after they file the appeal.

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