Media Take Out has some pretty sobering news today. Gunplay, a popular rapper who also starred in the hit reality show Love & Hip Hop Miami recently had a child, who was born with a pretty serious heart condition.

Lat month, Gunplay announced that he’s getting married to his gorgeous babys mother, Vonshee.

But the couple is going through it, Media Take Out has learned.

Gunplay’s new fiance told his fans, “February 15, 2023 will be a day our family will never forget. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl weighing 5 Ibs and 5 oz. Per protocol, my family was sent to postpartum care in the Maternity Ward for two days.”

“Upon being discharged our daughter’s oxygen stats were off and a cardiologist was called. Unfortunately, the doctors discovered a rare heart defect called “Supracardiac Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venus Return”. This affects 1 out of 10,000 babies born. As of now, there is no explanation as to how and why this defect occurs,” she added.

And the story gets even more harrowing, Gunplay’s fiance continued, “At three days old our daughter was immediately transported to a children’s hospital that had a Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) to be stabilized and scheduled for open heart surgery on February 24, 2023.”

“Upon completing the surgery the surgeon ran into a pulmonary hypertension issue with her lungs which has now left her chest open while sedated while they determine if a second surgery is needed.”

Then she asked Gunplay’s fans for help.

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