New music

There’s a trail of feathers leading up to the entrance of Wembley Stadium, dotted amongst the odd sequin and other droppings from various groovy outfits. If you weren’t already aware that the world’s most wanted man, Harry Styles, was playing the iconic venue tonight, then you’d perhaps think Elton John was billed, what with the mish-mash of multicoloured outfits and celebrity guests making their way inside.

Inside the stadium, there are no words to describe the anticipation felt amongst the crowd. A sea of sparkly cowboy hats and bedazzled jackets are seen buzzing around the stadium, warming up with Mexican waves and congas before the man of the hour arrives.

new music

Arriving on stage clad in gold bedazzled dungarees and a gorgeous grin to match, Mr. Styles opens with ‘Daydreaming’, skipping across Wembley’s stage to the sound of his astounding band and the screams of 90,000 fans.

Harry’s been on tour for two years now, so venues such as Wembley Stadium must feel like home. The 29-year-old sensation frolics around Wembley as though it’s his front room. Despite this show being in the UK’s largest stadium, there’s a safe space feeling that is cemented by the kind nature of Harry’s fans, and Harry himself.

Before breaking into 2019 anthem ‘Golden’, Harry beams out at the audience. A cheeky grin from someone who, despite world domination with his music, still seems to be in disbelief that he’s headlining Wembley Stadium. “Hi everyone, I’m Harry”, he says, “If you need anything, let me know”.

Plays of ‘Adore You’ not only platform Harry’s immeasurable talent, but the range and dynamic of his vocal too. We hear this range again with tracks like ‘She’, a track made for venues such as this. 

Harry not only has a gift for music, but a magnetic personality and sheer kindness that makes this performance so special. There’s moments of tenderness between fans. He wishes a few lucky ladies a happy birthday, expresses his deep love for London and even gives a young fan the opportunity to come out as queer, waving a pride flag and declaring to the audience, “feel free to be who you’ve always wanted to be tonight”.

new music

Tearjerkers are pulled out halfway through the set, with emotional tracks such as ‘Little Freak’ and ‘Matilda’ seeing many fans reach for tissues. The energy is brought back toward the end of the set, when a rush of nostalgia hits through the venue with the cult classic ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ plays through the venue, shortly followed by ‘GrapeJuice’ and ‘Watermelon Sugar’.

An electrifying performance of ‘Fine Line’ sees Harry kiss Wembley goodbye, all for a few minutes before arriving back on stage for a firework lit encore, leaving the show with ‘As it Was’ and ‘Kiwi’. A Harry Styles show is a truly magical experience, likely the closest one would have felt seeing Elvis or the Beatles. Two hours of pure adrenaline, dynamite and electricity, wrapped in a feather boa.

Words: Isabella Miller

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