Former UFC fighter Kay Hansen has opened up on how mixed martial arts helped her overcome a troubled upbringing in an emotional new mini-documentary.

Hansen, 23, holds a 7-6 professional MMA record. After being released by the UFC last year, she signed with Invicta FC, who she had previously fought for eight times in her career. The youngster was once seen as a future champion in the UFC and while that may still be true, she first has to go back to the drawing board.

Since her last bout in April 2022, there hasn’t been much talk surrounding her return. Now, however, in both an Instagram post and a mini-doc on YouTube, Hansen has decided to tell her story.

“TW: mention of Rape & SA

This documentary was a big step for me, not necessarily as a fighter, but as a person. My successes and struggles have all been in the public eye for many years, but everyone has a story behind the scenes. I was raped/SA by my father as a teenager for years. Fighting/training was my escape, and the only form of reality I really had control over.”

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