7 Celebs who’ve dissed Iggy►► http://bit.ly/1BbME5w
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An outlet called MediaTakeOut started the rumor when they reported that Iggy seemed to have track marks on her hands which THEY claimed were associated with QUOTE – “LONG-TERM heroin abuse.”
But when Iggy caught wind of this crazy accusation she debunked it on twitter saying – “Just landed in australia and I am dying with laughter because nick just showed me an article that says im a heroin addict. WHAT?! LOL.”
Iggy laughed off the rumor with some sarcasm saying – “Could be injecting heroin into my hands…. OR could just be scratches from @AleHerself’s evil cat that attacked me the other week.”
So no Iggy is not addicted to heroin, cats just don’t like her! And can we all be honest for a moment? Jumping to the heroine conclusion was a tad bit extreme. But what do you guys think? Sound off in the comment section below, don’t forget to subscribe and then click right over here to check out a rundown of celebs who, like those cats don’t like Iggy and have dissed her. Thanks for watching Clevver News, I’m Erin Robinson and I’ll see you next time.

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