
All hail our psychedelic overlords…

30 · 07 · 2024

Goat have laid out plans for a new self-titled album.

The reclusive Swedish psychedelic group took time out, before returning with renewed creative vigour. Incoming release ‘Goat’ is their third album in three years – four if you include their score for The Gallows Pole – and it lands via Rocket Recordings on October 11th.

The self-titled LP features eight songs, with Goat set to complete a UK headline tour this Autumn – including a night at London’s Troxy venue on October 24th.

New single ‘Ouroboros’ is a breakbeat-driven return that has a faint baggy feel – imagine Happy Mondays’ immortal ‘Bummed’ left to turn translucent in the Scandinavian sun during a Midsummer ritual and you’d be close.

The title refers to the mythical image of a serpent eating its own tail, with Goat commenting:

“The cycle of rebirth means the refinement of the soul. An evolution in which we slowly find our direction. Our own rhythm.”

Tune in now.


  1. One More Death
  2. Goatbrain
  3. Fool’s Journey
  4. Dollar Bill
  5. Zombie
  6. Frisco Beaver
  7. The All Is One
  8. Ouroboros

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