Multiple artists have accused Scottish festival Doune The Rabbit Hole of failing to pay them.

The event takes place on the Cardross Estate in Stirlingshire, and attracts around 10,000 music fans. This summer, headliners included Belle & Sebastian and Amy McDonald, with countless other acts performing at the site.

Sadly, it seems that a number of artists and crew members have not been paid for their labours. Around a dozen artists have come forwards with claims that Doune The Rabbit Hole has not serviced their invoices, with BECTU (Scottish Live Events Network) telling Bella Caledonia:

“At present we know of at least a dozen performers and production / technical staff who we have spoken to directly that are owed money. We are also aware that some larger production companies are owed money from both this year and from 2021. They were promised their 2021 money if they provided services for this year and are now owed for both events.”

Doune The Rabbit Hole Festival Ltd entered liquidation earlier this week, after suffering “huge financial difficulty”. Festival Beverage and Property Services, organisers for the 2023 festival, have “pledged” to fulfil their debts, commenting:

“Festival Beverage and Property Services Ltd are committed to sustaining Doune The Rabbit Hole Festival as the most likely long-term way of repaying these debts. Whilst working towards this, the company intends to seek new investment and develop new income streams in order to expedite payments to crew, artists and suppliers where possible. This will include sale of assets and a crowdfunding campaign.”

Doune The Rabbit Hole Accused Of Failing To Pay Artists, Crew Members

Musicians Union described themselves as being “concerned” by developments; “Despite the festival being in receipt of significant amounts of public funding, we have been made aware of large numbers of artists who have still not been paid.”

Scottish artist Honeyblood went public, stating: “It’s been a really rough time for the music industry. But sadly Doune The Rabbit Hole still haven’t paid me, my band or my crew for our work.”

Poet and performance artist Kevin P. Gilday added: “I’ve been left unpaid by Doune the Rabbit Hole this year. Got a letter through the door today from the liquidators detailing what they owe to me and many others. You can’t just be running festivals on good vibes alone, there are real people who are grafting and working hard here.”

Honeyblood has created a GoFundMe page for fans to assist artists impacted by the festival company’s liquidation.

Doune The Rabbit Hole intends to return next summer under different management.

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