TMZ Executive Producer Harvey Levin discusses the death of mother Debbie Reynolds and daughter Carrie Fisher. Both passed away on successive days. Harvey Levin reports on a planned dual memorial to avoid the heartbreak of two separate funerals.

Debbie Reynolds died in Los Angeles on December 28, 2016 at age 84, just as she and the rest of the world were starting to mourn her daughter, Carrie Fisher, who died on the day before on December 27 at 60, days after falling ill on a London-to-LAX flight.

Even after a year of shocking and constant celebrity deaths, the one-two punch of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds brought a staggering finale to 2016.

Debbie Reynolds’ son Todd Fisher said his sister’s death was “just too much” for his mother. “She said, ‘I want to be with Carrie,'” Fisher told The Associated Press by phone from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, where Reynolds had just died after being rushed there earlier in the day. “And then she was gone.”

No cause of death has been revealed for either woman.