White’s view on stadium shows

“It’s not that I get worried, I don’t wanna take the experience away from people,” he said. “We’ve done stadiums before. It’s just it’s not my favorite thing. I like arenas. Yeah, I really like arenas.”

“I think that fans get a much — what I care about every Saturday, whether you stayed home and watched it on TV or you came to the venue and watched it, is that everybody walks away on a Saturday night going, ‘God, I’m glad I came to the fights,’ or ‘This was worth coming to.’ Or they don’t walk out going, ‘Well, that sucked. That wasn’t a good experience.’ That’s what I focus on literally every week.”

“No, that’s not what I look for,” he said. “I look for incredible experiences, unique experiences, and things that have never been done before. That’s what I’m into. I’m not like, ‘Oh, I have to do Allegiant Stadium.’ I don’t have to do Allegiant Stadium. I wanna give fans a great experience every time.”

Quotes via MMA Mania

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