Bareman provides Volkanovski update

“In terms of like, his symptoms, he doesn’t have any symptoms, which was not the case in the last knockout,” Bareman told Combat TV. “There’s so many variables when it comes to having a knockout and how many symptoms you suffer and all of that. I don’t know the science behind it, and I’m not going to begin to try to understand it.

“But he seems to not be as affected by this concussion as he was by the last one. I wouldn’t be able to tell you why. He definitely needs to rest. He needs to rest his head. He needs to be sensible, but he also will be very keen to get that rematch this year.”

Quotes via MMA Junkie

Regardless of which way you look at it, Volkanovski’s next move is going to be a pretty important one.

What do you want to see Alexander Volkanovski do next? Is it wise for him to take an immediate rematch? Let us know, BJPENN Nation!

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