Buckingham Palace
Looking For Press Reinforcements …
Hiring Comm. Assistant

3/21/2024 10:06 AM PT

Buckingham Palace seems to be taking a lesson from the Kate Middleton saga … ’cause they’re looking for a new worker bee to help handle the media for them … albeit, someone who’s gonna be relatively low on the payroll.

In a job posting that just got spotted this week by eagle-eyed parties — and which appears to be relatively new — BP says they’re hiring a communications assistant to handle all things media for them … including press inquiries and a host of other responsibilities.

It’s interesting timing given the off-the-charts intrigue swirling around the Princess of Wales.

Among the other duties … BP is looking for someone to provide administrative support, distribute media credentials for palace functions, and “Produce content for a variety of platforms, including media advisories, social media updates and feature articles.”

Buckingham Palace’s listing doesn’t ask for proficiency in Photoshop … so, no picture touch-ups will be required, it seems. But, social media fluency is clearly important to the Crown.

Important to note here … Buckingham Palace isn’t the official residence of Prince William and Kate — that’s Kensington Palace. Buckingham handles King Charles‘ day-to-day life — so it may not be connected to Kate at all.

In fact, a Palace rep told us repeatedly this was a Buckingham thing and not Kensington (which is obvious) and refused to say whether Kate-Gate played any role in them posting it. They also refused to tell us when this first went up.

Of course, many are already assuming the team at Buckingham is worried about a flood of media inquiries if something similar should ever happen to Charles — especially given his recent cancer diagnosis — and that they’re getting ahead of a would-be repeat scandal.

TMZ Studios

We’ve been following the Princess Kate drama pretty closely … and we’ve even got a documentary — “TMZ Investigates: Where is Kate Middleton?” airing on FOX tonight at 9/8c.

One last note … check out the pay for this gig. It comes out to just under $32,500/year USD — not exactly a king’s ransom coming down from the Royal Family!

Here’s hoping whoever they bring on for the job is up to the task.

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