
A buzzing release from the Baltimore DJ and producer…

Ana Lamond

31 · 03 · 2023

M.Bryan Hedrick Jr, otherwise known as Bee Blizz, has shared his latest single, ‘I Wish We Were Young’.

First venturing into music production last year, the Baltimore DJ is certainly heading in the right direction. ‘I Wish We Were Young’ is a whole-hearted embrace for deep electro-house, a track filled to the brim with nostalgia and longing. Sporting anthemic vocals and larger than life basslines, the track lends itself to a fast-approaching festival season, a radiant slice of the summer.

Across the past 15 years, Bee Blizz has been refining his craft as a selector, developing a natural inkling for which grooves that will rule the dance. Following a brief stint away from live shows and performing, Blizz started to focus on his own musical output which resulted in 2022’s debut ‘Angelic Break’. Since then, the rising force has placed all his energy into his solo music career, nurturing a sound inspired by the likes of Wolfgang Gartner, Adventure Club, Skrillex and Joyride.

‘I Wish We Were Young’ paves the way for the DJ and producer’s next steps, a future that leans into Bee Blizz’s creative autonomy.

In conversation, the artist expands on the track’s emotional backdrop: 

“I Wish We Were Young’ is all about being young again. It’s the first track of my career that I spent quite a bit of time putting together because of all of the moving parts. I take pride in all of my creations but it’s not always easy to pull a sound out of my head and make it work in the studio. Then there is also the fact that sometimes the creative juices are flowing and therefore so does the seamless creation of a single. Whatever the case, I will keep creating music for the masses in order for me to stay young and hopefully keep others feeling that way too!”

Tune in now.

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