The actor delivered a cheeky video message to Johansson, who is set to star in the next Jurassic World installment Dr. Ian Malcolm has officially welcomed Scarlett...
Author - Meks Meks
You don’t have to wait until July 16 to score discounts on exercise gear — here are the most worthwhile deals to score right now If you purchase an...
Longlegs hasn’t yet hit theaters—July 12 is the big day—but the creatively creepy marketing alone is enough to give a person nightmares. The latest trick in Neon’s big...
It’s happened before and it’ll happen again. As beloved IPs are scraped for additional content, studios pore over every line of the source material for inspiration. In...
This year marked the 10-year anniversary of Edge of Tomorrow, Tom Cruise’s excellent sci-fi action film co-starring Emily Blunt and directed by Doug Liman. It’s a film...
Update July 9, 3:30 p.m. ET: The Ariane 6 rocket blasted off from Europe’s spaceport in French Guiana at 3:00 p.m. ET. Stage separation went well, as did the ignition of...