United L.S (Official music video) 2022
L. S stands for Lower Syari

We the Local artists,bringing Hip-Hop impact from Lower Syari,speaking about facts and the truth that the Local Artists face in their daily life of music career

All the Artists are from Lower Syari
Show some Love and Support to Hip-Hop Artists

Supported by Gyalbo tamang,Bikram tamang, Sonam lepcha and all the brothers from L. S Rc hood

Recorded/mix/mastered by – @AzoobA Music
Videography and editing by – @Sejar Films
Beat prod by: Scovery D
Hip-Hop dance by – Tulsi & Rigden tamang


●Prest Dorwin
●Thug Josh
●Yung Ekka

★Connect with the artists★👇🏽

●Prest Dorwin:
YouTube channel – https://youtube.com/channel/UCbdZb-36xeVPMwxO_7E4AvA
Instagram – https://instagram.com/prestdrowin?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= />
Instagram –

●Thug Josh:
YouTube channel – https://youtube.com/channel/UCe00byELCZULvfPKyvg3_Gw

YouTube channel – https://youtube.com/channel/UCokTJABly1egE96fBpDSGuw
Instagram – https://instagram.com/yungekka?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= />
YouTube channel –
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=prworlb44rio&utm_content=3d4k9ro />
Instagram –
https://instagram.com/_ugen_ghishing?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= />

Thanks to everyone of you for making this success
Thanks to the audience for the love and support
keep loving, keep supporting the local artists
One love for Hip-Hop🖤