Apple this week announced the new Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2. They’ll be available in stores next week at the same prices as their previous generations. However, one thing is different now, as Apple has increased the price for out-of-warranty battery services for the Apple Watch.
Apple Watch battery replacement gets 25% more expensive
As noted by 9to5Mac readers, it’s now more expensive to ask Apple to replace the battery in some Apple Watch models. Previously, the company charged $79 to replace the battery in any Apple Watch model. But after Tuesday’s event, the company updated its website with the new price of $99 for battery services.
The new price applies to battery repairs on Apple Watch Series 4 and later. For Apple Watch Series 2 and Series 3 models, the replacement price is still $79. It’s worth noting that the original Apple Watch from 2015 is no longer eligible for repairs.
Apple battery replacement can be performed at Apple retail locations through the Genius Bar, online using mail-in service, or at authorized resellers. If your Apple Watch is covered by AppleCare+, you may be eligible for a free battery repair if the maximum capacity is below 80%. You can check this information by going to Settings > Battery on your watch.
Although the price increase has been silent, it doesn’t exactly come as a surprise. Earlier this year, Apple had already increased the prices of battery services for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Apple charges $99 for a new iPhone 14 battery and $89 for previous generation iPhones. Some older models, such as the iPhone 6, can get a replacement for $69.
More details about Apple Watch repairs can be found on Apple’s website.
H/T: Anselm Lee
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