If you’re a Star Wars toy fan you probably already heard about Hasbro’s latest announcement. It’s going to release a mega, super, duper version of The Ghost from Star Wars Rebels and Ahsoka though its Haslab program. If 8,000 people pledge $500 to buy the ship before September 7, it’ll be made. And considering as of writing it’s almost two thirds of the way there into its 47-day campaign, it will almost certainly happen.
If you go to the Haslab site you can see some awesome official images of this beast of a toy (the largest Star Wars ship Hasbro has ever created at this scale) but it’s hard to really put its size into context. That’s where we come in. One of the benefits of being at Comic-Con where the news broke is that we were able to go down to the Hasbro booth and actually look at this thing up close. And it’s impressive. What follows are a bunch of photos of as many angles as we could get in the raucous crowd of toy nerds. Check it out!

If you’re wondering why some of these photos are…less than good, it’s because I was attempting to take them in this.

Each Ghost comes with its owner and pilot, Hera Syndulla, seen here in the cockpit that fits four figures.

Ezra, Kanan, and Zeb may also come with the purchase depending on how many backers the Haslab gets. Each is a stretch goal. 11,000 for Ezra, 14,00 for Kanan, 17,000 for Zeb. (Sabine is being released as part of the Ahsoka show range of figures, and Chopper is built into the Phantom II, rather than as a standalone figure.) Close ups of these later.

Several pieces of the ship come off so you can explore inside.

Here you can see Chopper in the set, though he’s not removable. Oh, and yes it comes with the Phantom II!

Which moves around 360 degrees.

Here’s a view of the rec area in the back of the ship, as well as the sleeping quarters.

This is in the back of the cockpit and leads into the other areas of the ship.

All these figures are a blend of their Rebels outfits, and actors from the TV series.

Yes, he has an interchangeable head.

Hera also comes with her family Kalikori and a meiloorun fruit.