John Oliver got a kick out of a video that Donald Trump posted this week aimed at farmers.

On Sunday’s Last Week Tonight, the HBO late-night host showed part of a campaign video Trump shared Friday in which he touted the work he did on behalf of farmers while he was president.

In the video, Trump says (in part): “I made farmers happy and rich again, and they’re doing a fantastic job. And you know what? Someday it’ll become time for them to leave this beautiful Earth, and they’ll be able to leave their farm without taxes to their children.

“I got rid of the death tax on farms so that when you do pass away on the assumption that you love your children, you can leave it to them and they won’t have to pay tax.

“But if you don’t love your children so much — and there are some people that don’t, and maybe deservedly so — it won’t matter because frankly, you don’t have to leave him anything. Thank you very much. Have fun.” (Watch the actual clip below, and keep reading to see Oliver’s response.)

“I mean, he’s still got it,” Oliver replied. “He has still got it, and by ‘it,’ I mean, whatever it is that is so deeply wrong with his brain.”

Oliver then related the quotes about “if you don’t love your children” to Trump’s own offspring.

“Do you know how much you have to hate your kids to get distracted by that thought in the middle of a political speech?” he said, then coming up with his own example: “We should have pulled out troops from the region sooner. Speaking of regretting not pulling out sooner: Don Jr.”

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