Kimmel Roasts George Santos, Says He ‘Catfished’ Congressional District

The host roasted the newly elected congressman and went down Santos’ growing list of fabrications

Jimmy Kimmel came back from the holidays ready to roast the latest political flops from over the break. Naturally, he took a shot at newly elected congressman George Santos, who spent his first morning on Capitol Hill dodging reporters and getting iced by his fellow Republicans.

Kimmel went down the growing list of fabrications spouted by the 34-year-old including appearing to have lied about his education, his employment history, his financial dealings, being Jewish, his grandparents surviving the Holocaust, and his mother dying of 9/11-related illnesses. “He basically catfished an entire congressional district,” the late night host remarked.

Santos, who won the race to represent New York’s 3rd District, has faced intense scrutiny since The New York Times reported last month that he appeared to have made up large portions of his backstory, and since then, Democrats and even some Republicans have called for a congressional investigation.

“But despite all of that, he did not resign,” Kimmel continued, referring to footage of him sitting solo during his first formal day in Washington. “He showed up to his first day of work in Washington today where no one—not one of the many scoundrels wriggling around the House wanted to sit with him.”


Kimmel also touched on the once-in-a-century dumpster fire happening in the south wing as Republican Kevin McCarthy failed to become House Speaker after losing three consecutive speakership ballots on Tuesday. “Kevin McCarthy is being held hostage by a group of Republican extremists who don’t believe he leans far enough to the right,” said the host during his monologue. “He even agreed to cut the Office of Congressional Ethics, this is one of their demands, which is basically like replacing seatbelts with Fettuccine.”

The House adjourned until Wednesday as Republicans struggle to find a path forward. “I looked it up and technically the constitution doesn’t require the Speaker of the House to be an elected member of Congress, it can be any American,” said Kimmel, offering insight into the matter. “Which to me sounds like the premise for a pretty solid Pauly Shore movie.” Well, stranger things have happened.

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